Top 11 Weirdest and Crazy Inventions Ever

I've created a list of the 10 weirdest things you can find on the internet, and while you might find these articles useful,  the facts are the same. These innovations are really strange. Check out the 10 most bizarre and crazy inventions. 

Jan 16, 2022 - 00:29
Top 11 Weirdest and Crazy Inventions Ever

With a population of 7 billion,  we must admit that some of us are crazy and some of us are really making wired stuff. The line between a madman and a genius is very thin, but not all madmen are geniuses. 

I've created a list of the 10 weirdest things you can find on the internet, and while you might find these articles useful,  the facts are the same. These innovations are really strange. Check out the 10 most bizarre and crazy inventions.

11. Shoe Umbrella

image source Funnyness

The Japanese are known for their wonderful and crazy innovations. Do you have any idea what they were thinking with those crazy shoe umbrellas? 
Designed to keep your feet dry in the rain. These shoe umbrellas extend the life of your expensive shoes. But frankly, they look pretty ridiculous and won't prevent people taking Mickey from taking a shower. 
Are these the weirdest and crazy inventions ever? From foot-operated bicycles and shoe umbrellas to female urinators, these are some of the craziest but most wacky inventions to date.


10. Quack- Duckbill Muzzle For Dog

image source

If you are frustrated or annoyed because your dog barks at you every day and you desperately want to silence him for a few hours,  you can try this product today. But for everyone else who owns a dog because he loves dogs rather than four-legged platypus, this innovation is a bit strange. No matter how useful it may be, it is arguably one of the strangest inventions the human brain has ever made.


9. The Ab Hancer 

image source Top 10 unknown

We all know how difficult it is to exercise daily to get those 6 packs of abdominal muscles to impress your girl. But don't forget that we live in this technical wonderland. Here you can train your abdominal muscles without exercising. All you have to do is put it in your fat tummy and wait for it to be flat and sexy like Ryan Gosling. 

Well, please wait. This sounds ridiculous, so don't get too excited. Not only does it help you get your abdominal muscles, but I think it's some kind of hoax or something.


8. Ironius: The Coffee​ Mug iron

image source Art. Lebedev Studio

If you are a housewife, you don't have time to perform all the tasks and you are looking for a product that can help you with multitasking, Ironius may be very helpful to you. You can seriously drink a few cups of freshly brewed coffee while ironing your clothes on the same machine.


7. Foot Powered Bike

image source Inhabitat

A bicycle that moves on foot, Believe it or not, the bike in the image above actually exists. Someone literally came up with this idea, convinced investors that it could be useful, and realized it. Apparently, it was created to encourage cycling in an urban environment, but dropping foot paddles and seats or crushing the ball with a harness is incomprehensible to people with an IQ of over 50.


6. Anti-Pervert Hairy Stockings

image source PIXIMUS

If you are a beautiful girl and prefer to wear shorts during the summer season, but you can't escape with the boy's hairy legs,  these stockings are for you. It will make your feet look unshaved for years. It will not only hate boys and repel them from you but will also give you a more beautiful natural human appearance.


5. Shower Mic

image source Cool Shit You Can Buy

Are you a bathroom singer? Yes? Don't be shy, we are all. So come a shower mic made of sponge that can pull out Freddie Mercury buried deep inside you. Shower mics may literally be absolutely useful as some people bought it on Amazon and gave positive reviews. 


4. Banana slipcase

image source Top 10 unknown

Japan is a well-known player in the field of countries devising some of the crazy inventions, and the banana slipcase further proves that. It's basically the plastic that wraps your banana to protect it from dirt. This is kind of useless, given that the skin is already there to do the job. 


3. Flask Tie

image source Top 10 unknown

Imagine sitting in your office with an unruly urge to drink alcohol. Now you can't do anything without a skittle or tie. Flask ties contain a  hidden foam that can be used to carry all types of beverages, including alcohol. So, when you're under stress at work, a tie is always there to save you. Please enjoy drinking a little. 


2. Female Urination Device

image source wish

The credit for this innovation lies in Edyth Lacy, who came up with this idea around the 1920s. This device allows females to urinate while standing, as well as males. But women have to admit that this looks pretty strange, aside from all the goodness. 


1. Head-Mounted Toilet Paper Dispenser

image source SlideShare

It may be even stranger than a female urinator, but it's a portable toilet paper dispenser. This dispenser isn't really completely useless. please think about it. If you have a cold, you can tear the fresh paper, clean your nose and throw it away. It's clean and simple. However, I don't know how many people look like cartoons just by holding tissue paper.

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