Why & How did Baba Ka Dhaba of Delhi get famous overnight?
This Baba Ka Dhaba comes into the sights of social media to draw people's attention towards their tasty foods. Social media converted their 100rs earning into 1000 to 5000. They're looking for work opportunities, not donations.
Why is Baba Ka Dhaba famous in Delhi?
Baba ka Dhaba is a very small food outlet situated in Malviya Nagar, Delhi run by an elderly couple, who was facing financial turmoil due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Blogger Gaurav Vasan shared a video of the struggle that the couple have facing. They weren't even able to sell a small amount of food. Their earning is not enough to support their lives anymore. That guy created a video in which the couple is crying and telling about their miserable life, that guy asked people to come forward and support them. Within no time the video got viral and people started reaching there to buy food and support them now they are very happy. This is the power of social media if we use it wisely.
If you are leaving near to it just go and support them.
Address:- Baba ka Dhaba, Malviya Nagar, Delhi
How did it get famous overnight?
It’s important to note that, it took 32 years (1988–2020) for this “overnight” to happen!
Let’s see what exactly happened:
Baba Ka Dhaba is a roadside eatery run by an octogenarian couple and it was established way back in 1988. They had a decent earning through the shop but owing to COVID the sales had dropped drastically.
From making hundreds a day, now they barely managed Rs 60 one day. That’s when Swadofficial came into the picture. He’s a food blogger and owns a Youtube channel, he made a video where the old man(owner of Baba ka Dhaba) expressed his concerns. The video which instantly went viral touched a million hearts. #BABAKADHABA was the #2 trend on Twitter-India yesterday.
Baba ka Dhaba is a one-off example of how destiny favours the hard-working and that things can change over-night! Just have faith.
Several visitors thronged the place to taste their food items and soon they were SOLD OUT for the day! They must’ve had a peaceful sleep yesterday.
While people who couldn’t visit the place in person tried helping in their own ways by sharing the video, urging Zomato, Swiggy to get them listed and some even made heartwarming posters to support their brand:
This one by AdHubCo has the address! If you live nearby, go checking once
Minimalistic poster by thevoxsocial:
This depicts exactly what happened!
But until here all was good and I’m really happy about the old couple! They deserve this.
What worries me is the opportunist and bigoted media:
They’re just wasting their resources by reporting the incident which has already gained national traction.
For them, everything is just a piece of news and a way to promote their brand.
Instead, what they could have done is find more such daily wage workers and helpless people who can get help from the publicity. Before this, not a single news website ever mentioned any such person or roadside eatery, but now that all of this is trending, they felt the need to do it too. I expect better from the Indian media.
Post Source - quora
Post Source - quora
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